A resolution was adopted by the bureau of the Kopylsky district committee of the KPB and the Kopylsky district Executive Committee on measures for further transformation of villages and villages of the district in the light of the requirements of the XXIV Congress of the KPB and the XXVII Congress of the KPB

Resolution No. 148/31-13 of the Bureau of the Kopylsky district Committee of the KPB and the Executive Committee of the Kopylsky District Council of Workers’ Deputies «On measures for further transformation of villages and villages of the district in the light of the requirements of the XXIV Congress of the KPB and the XXVII Congress of the KPB» ЗГАСл. Ф. 379. Оп. 1. Д. 1024. Л. 34-35. The original. Typewriting.