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Belarus during the period of socio-economic reforms
Martha 20
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР “О вводе в эксплуатацию хлебозавода №3 в г. Минске”
June 23
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР “О запуске в производство цветного художественного кинофильма “Дети партизана”
July 18
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР “Об организации Пружанского техникума механизации сельского хозяйства”
October 24
The executive committee of the Molodechno District Council of Workers’ Deputies adopted a decision «On opening a hospital at the Berezinskoye peat enterprise»
June 18
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР “О создании бюста Талашу В.И. в г. Петрикове
June 24
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР о предоставлении земельного участка для строительства киностудии “Беларусьфільм”
October 14
БССР присоединилась к Конвенции о привилегиях и иммунитетах Объединённых наций от 18 февраля 1946 года
October 27
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР “Об организации Молодечненского училища механизации сельского хозяйства”
January 6
The decision of the Zhlobinsky district executive committee to open a cinema in Zhlobin has been made.
February 6
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of an agricultural engineering plant of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering in Vitebsk» was adopted
April 7
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the formation of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the Belarusian SSR» was adopted.
April 14
Construction of Vasilevichsky state regional power station
may 20
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR «On the approval of the Convention on the Political Rights of Women» was adopted
June 14
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR «On the organization of the Oshmyany poultry plant and the abolition of the Vileika oil depot» was adopted
July 10
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus «On the opening of classes at the Minsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture» was adopted
July 29
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Gomel Regional Russian Drama Theater» was adopted
November 6
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of a brewery in Molodechno» was adopted
December 24
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the publication of the journal «Healthcare of Belarus» was adopted
January 8
The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR «On the abolition of Baranovichi, Bobruisk, Pinsk, Polesie and Polotsk regions» was adopted
Martha 31
The decision of the Berezovsky district executive committee on the construction of a cannery in the city of Bereza in the Berezovsky district was made
April 13
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On classifying the regional center of the Oktyabrsky district as an urban settlement» was adopted
may 15
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the approval of the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949 on the protection of victims of war» was adopted
may 20
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR «On the approval of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide» was adopted
July 9
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR «On the introduction of joint education in schools» was adopted
July 24
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Dubrovensky district Council of Workers’ Deputies on the opening of the regional House of Pioneers was made
September 24
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Gomel Electromechanical Repair Plant of the Main Energy Administration under the Council of Ministers of the BSSR» was adopted
December 18
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of public gas stations in the republic» was adopted
January 3
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of a resin processing plant in the BSSR on the basis of peat resin waste from the Gomel Glass Factory named after. Stalin»
February 2
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus «On the launch of the first stage of the Minsk Television Center» was adopted
July 18
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishers» was adopted
September 14
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of a comprehensive design assignment for the construction of a garment factory in Minsk» was adopted.
November 25
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Miorsky district Council of Workers’ Deputies “On the organization of the district society of hunters and fishermen” was adopted
December 30
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the International Telecommunication Convention» was adopted
January 7
The resolution «On the selection and assignment of workers, engineering and technical workers and employees to work in MTS and state farms in the areas of development of virgin and fallow lands of the RSFSR and Kazakhstan» was adopted
June 28
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of a brewery in the city» was adopted. Borisov»
September 13
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Miora district Council of Workers’ Deputies “On the opening of cultural and educational institutions” was adopted
October 4
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the formation of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR for Construction and Architecture» was adopted
December 22
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of a processed cheese plant and the liquidation of a butter storage facility in Orsha of the Ministry of the Industry of Meat and Dairy Products of the BSSR» was adopted
January 6
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of a historical and local history museum in the city of Minsk» was adopted
Martha 2
The decision of the Starodorozhsky city executive committee on the allocation of land uchatsk for the construction of the Starodorozhsky city fire station has been made
April 27
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the textile technical school of the Ministry of Textile Industry of the BSSR» in Orsha was adopted
June 8
Принято решение Могилевского горисполкома «О проекте памятника В.И.Ленина на площади у дома Советов»
June 15
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On accession to the Convention for the Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others» was adopted
June 27
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the BSSR dated 06/27/1956 No. 26 on the formation of the Union-Republican Ministry of Paper and Woodworking Industry of the BSSR was adopted
August 4
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On construction in the urban settlement» was adopted. Zhabinka, Brest region of the third Belarusian sugar factory»
August 14
The resolution of the Executive Committee of the Zhlobin District Council of Workers’ Deputies and the Bureau of the RK KPB “On the organization of the state sewing factory in Zhlobin” was adopted
August 27
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the accession of the Byelorussian SSR to the Slavery Convention» was adopted
December 29
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the creation of the Voluntary Firefighting Society of the Belarusian SSR» was adopted
January 24
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the establishment of the badge «Excellence in socialist competition in the local and fuel industry» was adopted
April 5
The decision of the Starodorozhsky city Executive Committee was made to allocate a land plot for the construction of a typical brick one-story bookstore of the Minsk Book Trade
April 29
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of extended day groups in comprehensive schools» was adopted
June 13
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Bobruisk mobile collective farm and state farm drama theater» was adopted
June 26
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus «On the participation of Komsomol members and youth of the republic and harvesting in areas of development of virgin and fallow lands» was adopted
July 10
The order of the Minister of Agriculture of the BSSR “On the partial reorganization of the network of educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the BSSR in terms of admission of students for 1956” was issued
August 4
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the approval of the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO)» was adopted
August 16
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus «On perpetuating the memory of the People’s Poet of the BSSR Yakub Kolas (Mitskevich Konstantin Mikhailovich)» was adopted
December 20
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the abolition of Domachevsky, Shereshevsky, Kokhovsky, Orekhovsky, Ulsky, Zhuravichisky, Svetilovichsky, Streshinsky, Lyubchansky, Mirsky and Gressky districts
January 24
The decision of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the establishment of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences under the Ministry of Agriculture of the BSSR» was adopted
February 27
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the Charter of the International Atomic Energy Agency» was adopted
Martha 1
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of the F.E. Dzerzhinsky Museum in the city of Ivenets, Molodechno region» was adopted
April 19
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Mogilev City Council of Workers’ Deputies “On the construction of a monument to V.I. Lenin on the square near the House of Soviets” was adopted
may 22
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the procedure for exempting students from compulsory study of the Belarusian language in Russian schools of the BSSR» was adopted
June 17
It was decided to open the Brest Regional Museum of Local Lore
June 19
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the formation of the Committee on Radio Broadcasting and Television under the Council of Ministers of the BSSR» was adopted
July 10
he resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of the State Art Museum of the BSSR» was adopted
August 13
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Mogilev Regional Council of Workers’ Deputies “On the state of beekeeping development in the collective farms of the district” was adopted
September 6
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a resolution «On the installation of a monument-obelisk at the grave of the former editor of the newspaper «Zvyazda» Mikhail Parfenovich Barashkov»
October 5
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus «On the construction of agricultural, industrial and construction exhibitions and a zoo in Minsk» was adopted
November 14
Resolution No. 688 of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Ilyansky Zooveterinary College of the Ministry of Agriculture of the BSSR»
February 5
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the organization of vocational schools in Brest and Polotsk
February 27
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the Protocol to this Convention» was adopted
April 17
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Kokhanovsky College of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture» was adopted
may 11
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On clarification and partial changes to the existing Belarusian spelling» was adopted
June 11
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the creation of the Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folklore at the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR» was adopted
June 18
The resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the participation of Komsomol members and youth of the republic in harvesting in areas of development of virgin and fallow lands in 1957» was adopted
July 5
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Institute of Construction of the BSSR» was adopted
July 30
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR approved the regulations on the State Scientific and Technical Committee of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR, as well as its structure and staffing
August 17
Resolution No. 528 of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Research Institute of Mechanical Science of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR»
September 23
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On naming the Moshkan secondary school of the Bogushevsky district, Vitebsk region after the Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Gorovets» was adopted
November 13
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On naming Zhodino secondary school No. 1 after the Hero of the Soviet Union P.I. Kupriyanov» was adopted
January 25
The resolution of the Council of National Economy of the Byelorussian SSR “On the commissioning of the Zhlobin hemp plant of the Directorate for the procurement and primary processing of flax and hemp” was adopted
Martha 24
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the publication of the «Bulletin of Technical and Economic Information» was adopted
April 9
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On perpetuating the memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union Emelyan Ignatievich Barykin» was adopted
April 17
A decision was made by the executive committee of the Molodechno City Council of Workers’ Deputies to open the «Children’s World» store
may 8
A decision was made by the executive committee of the Myadel district Council of Workers’ Deputies to rename the village of Myadel Myadel district into an urban settlement
June 3
The resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of the Starobinsky Potash Plant» was adopted
June 10
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the creation of the Department of Transport and Transportation of the Economic Council of the BSSR» was adopted
July 31
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the location of a branch of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute named after I.V.Stalin in Vitebsk»
August 22
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the location of the Grodno Technical School and on the transfer of the Grodno Agricultural Technical School to Novogrudok» was adopted
September 5
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of an equestrian school in the BSSR» was adopted
February 8
A resolution was adopted by the Council of Ministers of the BSSR on naming the Shchedrinskaya secondary school of the Parichsky district of the Gomel region after the Hero of the Soviet Union S.P. Anishchenko
Martha 26
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the establishment of the Permanent Mission of the Belarusian SSR to the UN» was adopted
April 14
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the formation of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Council of the National Economy of the BSSR» was adopted
may 5
The decision of the Lyuban district executive committee «On the project of planning and development of the city of Lyuban» was made
may 8
The decision of the executive committee of the Myadel district Council of Workers’ Deputies “On renaming the village of Myadel Myadel district into an urban settlement” was adopted
June 4
Resolution No. 367 of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the All-Belarusian Choral Society»
June 16
The resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of the Polotsk Oil Refinery» was adopted
August 9
Resolution No. 541 of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Grodno State Medical Institute»
August 23
The decision of the Lyuban district executive committee «On the allocation of a site for the installation of a monument to V.I.Lenin» was made
November 18
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a decree on the allocation of land plots for the construction of the Berezovskaya State District Power Plant
April 6
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of the Miory region meat processing plant» was adopted
April 24
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of a nitrogen fertilizer plant in Grodno» was adopted
may 6
The resolution of the Lyuban district executive committee “On the music school in the city of Pos. Luban”
July 1
An order was issued by the head of the Baranovichi city Health Department “On the opening of a dental clinic”
July 13
The decision of the Lyuban district executive Committee «On the construction of the Black Rowing road» was made
September 4
The resolution of the Board of the Belkoopsoyuz «On approval of the director of the Baranovichi cooperative College» was adopted
September 26
The decision of the Lyakhovichi district executive committee “On the opening of a music school in the city of Lyakhovichi” was made
November 26
The decision of the Zhlobinsky district executive committee to open a music school in Zhlobin has been made”
April 16
A resolution was adopted by the Bureau of the Grodno Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Executive Committee of the Grodno Regional Council of Workers’ Deputies «On the construction of a nitrogen fertilizer plant in the Belarusian SSR»
may 6
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On holding a competition for the best design of a monument in memory of the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress» was adopted
may 20
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science with a computer center attached to it of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR» was adopted
July 11
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the formation of the working settlement of Soligorsk on the territory of the Starobinsky district of the Minsk region» was adopted
July 17
The decision of the Slutsk City Executive Committee “On approval of the act of readiness for operation of the Belorus cinema in the city of Slutsk” was made
September 26
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the State Dance Ensemble of the Belarusian SSR» was adopted
October 23
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the introduction of school uniforms for students of comprehensive schools» was adopted
December 3
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of a planetarium in Minsk» was adopted
January 1
The 60s of the twentieth century in NEWSREELS, PHOTOGRAPHS, PHONOGRAMS
February 5
The Rogachevsky district executive committee has decided to streamline the administrative division of the Rogachevsky district.
Martha 29
The Mogilev City Executive Committee adopted a decision «On the protection of green spaces in Mogilev7
April 8
The resolution of the Bureau of the Rogachev district Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the district Executive committee on the opening of a music school in the city of Rogachev has been adopted.
June 14
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the location of a plant for phosphate mineral fertilizers and defluorinated phosphates in Gomel» was adopted
August 24
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the Convention on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards» was adopted
August 29
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the formation of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR for nature protection» was adopted
September 23
A resolution was adopted by the bureau of the Republic of Kazakhstan Communist Party of Belarus and the executive committee of the Parichsky District Council of Workers’ Deputies «On the transfer of the center of the Parichsky district to the Gogod village of Shatilki»
November 3
A resolution was adopted by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of an artificial fiber plant in the town. Shatilki, Gomel region»
December 13
The resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of a sports pavilion on the Park Highway in Minsk» was adopted
January 22
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On naming the Uzda regional library named after Pavlyuk Trus» was adopted
Martha 12
A resolution was adopted by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the location of a linen household textile plant in Grodno and a tannery in Bobruisk»
Martha 29
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the accession of the BSSR to the Convention on International Exhibitions» was adopted
may 3
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR approved the design assignment for the construction of the first stage of a cotton mill in Baranovichi
June 22
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the construction of sugar factories in Kalinkovichi and Slutsk
August 27
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the construction of a plant for the production of plastic products in Borisov
September 9
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the start of construction in Minsk of a motor plant for the production of tractor diesel engines» was adopted
September 30
The resolution of the Lyuban district executive committee «On the construction of an intercollegiate poultry farm» was adopted
December 8
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the Conventions on the Law of the Sea» was adopted
December 15
The decision of the Kopylsky district executive committee «On the settlement of small settlements on the central estate of the Lesnoye state farm» was made
January 24
A decision was made by the executive committee of the Grodno City Council of Workers’ Deputies «On the allocation of a land plot to the bus depot of the Grodno regional trust for the construction of a bus station on Skidelskaya Square in Grodno»
January 26
An order was issued for the Republican Trust of Arts and Crafts «On the organization of an independent factory in the city on the basis of the inlay workshop. Zhlobin»
February 3
Merger of lime plant No. 6 in Kartuz-Bereza with the Novo-Berezovsky lime plant
may 9
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the State Publishing House of Agricultural Literature of the BSSR and the Publishing House of the Ministry of Higher, Secondary Special and Vocational Education of the BSSR» was adopted
may 15
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the ratification of the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO)» was adopted
June 15
Dissolution of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the BSSR
August 22
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of a mechanical engineering institute in Mogilev» was adopted
September 11
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR was adopted «On naming the Verkhmenskaya secondary school of the Smolevichi district after the Hero of the Soviet Union Tumar Viktor Andreevich»
October 14
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of a mining and mechanical technical school in Soligorsk» was adopted
January 24
A decision was made by the executive committee of the Grodno City Council of Workers’ Deputies «On the allocation of a site to the bus depot of the Grodno regional trust for the construction of a bus station on Skidelskaya Square in Grodno»
January 28
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the abolition of the David-Gorodsky district of the Brest region» was adopted
April 6
Decision No. 240/2 of the Executive Committee of the Mogilev City Council of Workers’ Deputies «On the procedure for trade in the city of Mogilev»
may 9
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR approved the International Telecommunication Convention
June 2
A resolution was adopted by the bureau of the Republic of Kazakhstan Communist Party of Belarus and the executive committee of the Parichsky District Council of Workers’ Deputies «On the transformation of the urban village of Shatilki into a city and renaming it»
July 29
A decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the BSSR was issued «On the transformation of the urban village of Shatilki into a city of regional subordination and the renaming of the Parichsky district of the Gomel region»
September 8
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of medical schools in the cities of Orsha and Rogachev» was adopted
September 11
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the construction of a cement plant in the Volkovysk district of the Grodno region
December 1
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the proper maintenance of monuments and burial places of soldiers of the Soviet Army, partisans and civilians who died during the Great Patriotic War (1941 – 1945)» was adopted
January 4
A resolution was adopted by the Council of Ministers of the BSSR on naming the Zhupra secondary school in the Oshmyany district of the Grodno region named after Franciszek Bogushevich
Martha 1
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of the Lida poultry farm» was adopted
Martha 12
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the design assignment for the construction of a sugar factory in the city of Slutsk» was adopted
may 22
Decision No. 421 of the Mogilev City Executive Committee was adopted «On naming city libraries No. 2 and No. 5 after Y. Kolas and after Y. Kupala»
July 20
Принято решение Могилевского горисполкома от 20 июля 1962 года №584 «О проектировании строительства троллейбуса первой очереди в городе Могилеве»
September 1
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the approval of international conventions on the exchange of publications» was adopted
November 12
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the design assignment for the construction of the Gomel superphosphate plant» was adopted
February 24
A resolution was adopted by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR on the construction of the Lukoml State District Power Plant
Martha 3
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the design assignment for the construction of a plant of electrical measuring instruments in the city of Brest» was adopted
Martha 14
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the publication of the «Dialectological Atlas of the Belarusian Language» was adopted
July 4
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On measures to assist the Virgin Lands of the Kazakh SSR in the design of state farms and the construction of grain collection points» was adopted
August 31
The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the BSSR «On the transformation of the urban village of Shchuchin, Shchuchinsky district, Grodno region into a city of regional subordination» was adopted
November 1
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the Convention against discrimination in the field of education» was adopted
January 9
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the Grodno Evening Polytechnic School» was adopted
February 19
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the design assignment for the construction of a plant of special technological equipment in Vitebsk» was adopted
Martha 9
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the participation of the Belarusian SSR in the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague» was adopted
may 9
A resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR was adopted on the organization of the Klichev College of Agricultural Mechanization
may 18
A resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR was adopted on the opening of rural vocational schools in the city. Lelchitsy, town October and g.p. Kletsk
June 14
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Krichevsky City Council of Workers’ Deputies “On the state of work on the education of illiterate and illiterate” was adopted
August 2
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the design assignment for the construction of a cotton spinning factory in Grodno» was adopted
August 13
A resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR was adopted on the organization of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR on cinematography
August 20
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On perpetuating the memory of twice Hero of the Soviet Union S.F. Shutov» was adopted
August 27
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Krichevsky City Council of Workers’ Deputies “On the establishment of the Vodokanaltrest organization in Krichev” was adopted
August 29
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of the Republican children’s sports school» was adopted
September 28
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Krichevsky City Council of Workers’ Deputies “On the development of street lighting in the city and measures to improve the operation of the electric grid” was adopted
October 30
Resolution No. 509 of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the establishment of the badge «Excellent Firefighter» was adopted
December 9
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On naming the Miloslavichsky secondary school of the Klimovichi district of the Mogilev region after the Hero of the Soviet Union M.A.Starovoitov» was adopted
January 29
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the renaming of the Energy Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR» was adopted
Martha 9
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of the Grodno College of Physical Culture» was adopted
April 24
The decision of the Krichev City Council of Workers’ Deputies “On measures to improve roads and entrances at the Krichev station” was adopted
may 9
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the design assignment for the construction of the Svetlogorsk pulp and cardboard mill» was adopted
may 24
The decision of the Krichevsky executive committee of the city Council of Workers’ Deputies “On landscaping, landscaping and sanitary condition of the city” was adopted
July 26
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a resolution on preparations for the construction of the Mozyr Chemical Plant
August 7
A decision was made by the Executive Committee of the Minsk Regional Council of Workers’ Deputies on the construction of a bypass road around the city of Slutsk
August 16
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the European Convention on Foreign Trade Arbitration» was adopted
August 24
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the design assignment for the construction of the Vitebsk Radio Engineering Plant» was adopted
August 27
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Krichevsky City Council of Workers’ Deputies “On the completion of the construction of sewerage and water supply in Krichev” was adopted
August 31
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the design assignment for the construction of a radio equipment plant in Gomel» was adopted
October 15
A decision was made by the executive committee of the Rechitsa district Council of Workers’ Deputies to rename the street in Loev in honor of the participant in the Battle of the Dnieper, Hero of the Soviet Union Pyotr Akutsionka.
November 19
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of the Mozyr Evening Polytechnic College» was adopted
February 1
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On naming the Starobinskaya secondary school of the Lyuban district of the Minsk region after the Hero of the Soviet Union D. T. Gulyaev» was adopted
February 14
The decision of the Executive Committee of the Slutsk City Council of Workers’ Deputies «On the allocation of a land plot to the Slutsk pasta factory» was adopted
February 27
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of a radio engineering college in Vitebsk» was adopted
Martha 27
The decision of the Slutsk City Executive Committee “On the allocation of land for the construction of a large-format cinema” was made
April 10
The decision of the Lyuban district executive committee «On the transfer of lands of collective farms, state farms and the state forestry fund to the 2nd Soligorsk Potash Plant for the construction of a reservoir» was made
April 24
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of urban vocational schools in the cities Minsk and Baranovichi» was adopted
may 22
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On naming the Dubrovskaya secondary school of the Lepel district after the Hero of the Soviet Union K.P.Kutrukhin» was adopted
June 10
The decision of the Starodorozhsky city Executive Committee “On the establishment of a memorial plaque at house No. 32, Old Roads” was made
June 13
The resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of a complex for the production of polyethylene and ethylene in Novopolotsk» was adopted
June 30
A resolution was adopted by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus and the Council of Ministers of the BSSR on the location of a specialized plant for power steering pumps in the city of Borisov
August 15
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the establishment of «Health Day» in the republic
August 25
The decision of the executive committee of the Rechitsky district Council of Workers’ Deputies on the opening of a children’s sports school in the Rechitsky district was made
September 19
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On fluoridation of drinking water in the cities of the republic» was adopted
February 14
Decision of the Executive Committee of the Slutsk City Council of Workers’ Deputies «On the allocation of a land plot for the construction of an atelier for sewing new shoes»
February 27
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of a radio engineering institute in Minsk» was adopted
Martha 20
The decision of the Starodorozhsky city Executive Committee “On the allocation of a land plot-place to the Starodorozhsky branch of Agricultural Machinery for the construction of a brick building of an electric welding forge in the city of Old Roads” was made
April 10
The decision of the Lyuban district executive committee was made «On the transfer and demolition of settlements: Krutoy Bereg, Teslino, Klichevo, Kovaleva Loza, Peschanka, Malye Listopadovichi, Tychin Zones of the Soligorsky (Starobinsky) reservoir on the Sluch River»
April 13
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On naming secondary school No. 27 in Bobruisk after the Hero of the Soviet Union V.Z.Horuzhaya» was adopted.
may 15
A resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR was adopted on the organization of an art city vocational school in Bobruisk
June 2
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR was adopted «On assigning the state farm «Zadorozhye» the Vitebsk Production Collective and State Farm Administration named after I.F.Korenevsky»
June 13
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the design assignment for the construction of an outerwear knitwear factory in Pinsk» was adopted
June 30
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the design assignment for the construction of a hosiery factory with a workshop for the preparation of elastic yarn in the city of Brest» was adopted
July 3
The resolution of the Lida City Committee of the CPB and the Executive Committee of the Lida City Council of Workers’ Deputies “On conferring the titles of honorary citizens of the city of Lida” was adopted
August 18
The Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the opening of the Lida Industrial College
September 3
A decision was made by the executive committee of the Rechitsa District Council of Workers’ Deputies to perpetuate the memory of Hero of the Soviet Union E.D. Volkov
October 1
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the opening of a city vocational school of motor transport in the city of Vileika» was adopted
Preliminary design of the Suvorov Military School in Minsk. Architect – G.V.Zaborsky
Martha 9
A resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR was adopted on the opening of Berestovitsky, Loevsky and Smolevichi pedagogical schools
Construction of the Victory Monument in Minsk. Architects – G.V.Zaborsky and V.A.Korol
December 7
The resolution of the Lyuban district Committee of the KPB and the Lyuban district Executive Committee 1On the presentation of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the collective farm «Chyrvonaya Zmena» was adopted
April 26
A decision was made by the executive committee of the Loyevsky district Council of People’s Deputies on permission to build a new church building to replace the old one in Loyev
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26 September 1959
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the organization of the State Dance Ensemble of the Belarusian SSR» was adopted
#Science and culture
Preliminary design of the Suvorov Military School in Minsk. Architect – G.V.Zaborsky
#Наука и культура
Construction of the Victory Monument in Minsk. Architects – G.V.Zaborsky and V.A.Korol
#Наука и культура
8 December 1960
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On approval of the Conventions on the Law of the Sea» was adopted
#State power and politics
18 may 1963
A resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR was adopted on the opening of rural vocational schools in the city. Lelchitsy, town October and g.p. Kletsk
#Science and culture
20 Martha 1953
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР “О вводе в эксплуатацию хлебозавода №3 в г. Минске”
18 June 1953
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР “О создании бюста Талашу В.И. в г. Петрикове
23 June 1953
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР “О запуске в производство цветного художественного кинофильма “Дети партизана”
#Наука и культура
24 June 1953
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР о предоставлении земельного участка для строительства киностудии “Беларусьфільм”
#Наука и культура
18 July 1953
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР “Об организации Пружанского техникума механизации сельского хозяйства”
#Наука и культура
14 October 1953
БССР присоединилась к Конвенции о привилегиях и иммунитетах Объединённых наций от 18 февраля 1946 года
#Государственная власть и политика
24 October 1953
The executive committee of the Molodechno District Council of Workers’ Deputies adopted a decision «On opening a hospital at the Berezinskoye peat enterprise»
#Economy and Society
27 October 1953
Принято постановление Совета Министров Белорусской ССР “Об организации Молодечненского училища механизации сельского хозяйства”
#Наука и культура
6 January 1954
The decision of the Zhlobinsky district executive committee to open a cinema in Zhlobin has been made.
#Economy and Society
8 January 1954
The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR «On the abolition of Baranovichi, Bobruisk, Pinsk, Polesie and Polotsk regions» was adopted
#State power and politics
6 February 1954
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the construction of an agricultural engineering plant of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering in Vitebsk» was adopted
#Economy and Society
31 Martha 1954
The decision of the Berezovsky district executive committee on the construction of a cannery in the city of Bereza in the Berezovsky district was made
#Экономика и общество
7 April 1954
The resolution of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the formation of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the Belarusian SSR» was adopted.
#Science and culture
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