The 30s of the twentieth century in NEWSREELS, PHOTOGRAPHS, PHONOGRAMS


Pigsty buildings. A herd of pigs in a pasture. Piggies give food to piglets, bathes piglets in a trough Arch. No. 819, k/s "In the large pig-breeding state farm named after Komsomolskaya Pravda of the Orsha district, 1 h., without sound, b/w. TSGAKFD of the USSR

A worker at the machine at work. The closing machine. Locksmiths for the manufacture of parts. Assembly of the closing machine Arch. No. 800, k/s "At the Minsk Belshveyprom factory, 1 hour, without sound, b/w

The building of the State Library named after V.I.Lenin. Library visitors go up the stairs in the library’s reading room. A library employee at the catalog. Library Storage Arch. No. 830, k/s "State Library of the BSSR named after V.I.Lenin", 1 h. without sound, b/w. TSGAKFD USSR

Cleaning of flax with flax grinders. The equipment of the Shklovskaya MTS works. Collective farmers knit sheaves of flax, sort flax. Komsomol members at work on an imported flax mill BGAKFFD. Arch. No.820, k/s "Flax harvesting on the collective farm "Pobeda" Shklovsky district", 1 h., without sound, b/w. TSGAKFD USSR

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the BSSR A.G.Chervyakov inspects the farm, talks with the collective farmers. The commission examines the horses BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 761, k/s "In the collective farm "New way of life" Minsk district", 1 h., without sound, b/w. TSGAKFD USSR

The Layout Of The House Of the Red Army. A rally of Minsk workers dedicated to the laying of the House of the Red Army. The laying of the first stone. A military band is playing BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 734, k/s "Laying the House of the Red Army", 1 h., without sound, b/w. TSGAKFD USSR

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR M.I.Kalinin descends from the train at the Minsk railway station. Demonstration on the street of the city, meeting M.I.Kalinin. The parade of physical education students BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 815, l/m "Celebration of the 15th anniversary of Soviet Belarus in Minsk", 1h., without sound, b/w. TSGAKFD USSR

Pasteurization of milk at the Minsk dairy plant. Sample of pasteurized dairy products before release BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 818, k/s "Pasteurization of milk at the Minsk dairy plant", 1 hour, without sound, b/w. TSGAKFD USSR

The building of the poultry farm. Chickens on the territory of a poultry farm. The poultry woman feeds the chickens. Sorting. Packing eggs in crates. Weighing chickens BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 801, k/s "At the Gomel poultry station", 1h., without sound, b/w. TSGAKFD USSR

Switches are turned on at the collective farm power plant. The collective farmers enter the lighted houses. In the family of A.Miruk, the father reads the newspaper, the children draw and prepare lessons. In the family of M.A baby stroller – the mother knits, the children play checkers. In the family of J.F.Zabello, the daughter listens to the gramophone, then the family has dinner. There is a loudspeaker on the wall BGAKFFD Arch. No.827, k/s "Power plant in the collective farm "Krasnaya Zvezda" of the Borisovsky district", 1 hour, without sound, b/w. Documentary film

Dismantling of the remnants of the Soviet-Polish border. Red Army soldiers at a halt BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 774 k/f "On the events in Western Ukraine and Western Belarus", 1 h., b/w., zv.

Folk festivities in Western Belarus – chronicle and documentary footage BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 808 k/f "On the liberated land", 1 h., b/w, zv. Operas. P.Lamprecht, I.Veinerovich, V.Citron, M.Koifman


Window glass factory in Kostyukovka BGAKFFD. 0-103668. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

In the workshop of the Bobruisk plywood and woodworking plant BGAKFFD. 0-018514. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

The work of a concrete mixer on the construction of a road near Borisov BGAKFFD. 0-019310. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

An expanded meeting of the presidium of the Obolsky village Council with the board of the collective farm “Chyrvonaya Peramoga”, among whom is the biology teacher of the Obolskaya MSH N.I.Belkevich, chairman of the collective farm “Chyrvonaya Peramoga” twenty-five thousandth V.I.Karabanov, chairman of the village Council I.Bobrov and others BGACFFD. 0-099747. The collector D. Leshchinsky.

The Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren in Minsk BGAKFFD. A10-058

The first workers of the Koidanov MTS BGAKFFD. 0-141647. TSGAKFFD OF THE USSR.

A production meeting of collective farmers of the collective farm “Bolshevik” in the village of Svinki, Kopylsky district, to discuss the resolution of the XVI Congress of the CPSU (b) on animal husbandry BGAKFFD. 0-024952

Installation of knitting machines at the Vitebsk hosiery factory KIM BGAKFFD.0-019367. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

View of Sovetskaya street in Minsk BGAKFFD. 0-023515. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

The first graduate of the nursing courses at the 1st Soviet Hospital in Minsk BGACFFD. E044434. The collector V.Sosonkina.

Participants of the first All-Belarusian Congress of Inventors BGAKFFD. 0-107134. Photo Library of the State Museum of the BSSR

The prospect of Sovetskaya Street in Minsk; in the background – the Government House under construction BGAKFFD. 0-023591. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Members of the Main Board of the Belarusian School Association (TBS) BGACFFD. 0-055415. The collector N. Orekhvo.

The building of the State Library of the BSSR named after V.I.Lenin BGAKFFD. 0-018745. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

In the glass grinding shop of the Vitebsk Eyeglass Factory BGACFFD. 0-038748. The photo album "Soviet Belarus".

A scene from the opera Carmen by J.Bizet of the State Opera and Ballet Theater of the BSSR; in the role of Carmen – the artist L.P.Alexandrovskaya BGAKFFD. 2-2079. BTO Photo Library, Samsonov.

The quality controller of confectionery products of the Minsk confectionery factory “Kommunarka” explains to the workers the technique of filling confectionery mass BGAKFFD. 0-024708. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

In the locksmith and assembly shop of the Minsk Machine Tool Plant named after K.E.Voroshilov BGAKFFD. 0-024709. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

One of the streets of the center of Vitebsk BGAKFFD. 0-023599. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Workers of the Vitebsk plant “Krasny Metallist” check the details of the milling drum before its release BGAKFFD. 0-024717. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, Head of the Ethnography and Folklore Sector of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR N.M.Nikolsky in the office BGACFFD. 0-093962. The State Museum of the BSSR.

Poster of the feature film “Paleskiya rabinzona” of the film studio “Soviet Belarus” (directors I.Bakhar, L.Molchanov, cinematographer S.Ivanov) BGACFFD. 1-019295. Photo library of the National Film Studio "Belarus Film".

A group of collective farmers for sowing cabbage seedlings at the collective farm named after The Red Army of the Vitebsk region BGAKFFD. 0-025073. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Deputies of the Minsk City Council at the polling station BGAKFFD. 0-018502. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Inspection of straw cutters manufactured at the Gomel Agricultural Machinery Plant (Gomselmash) BGAKFFD. 0-024746. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

View of the entrance to the stadium named after the 10th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the White Poles of Minsk BGAKFFD. 0-000850. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

During the sports and art festival in honor of the awarding of the BSSR with the Order of Lenin in the city of Mozyr BGAKFFD. 0-128941. The collector I. Pickman.

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee M.I.Kalinin and Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars of the BSSR N.M. Goloded drive through the streets of Minsk in a car BGACFFD. 0-050661. Photo library of the M.I.Kalinin Museum, Moscow.

A group of artists of the State Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the BSSR, among whom: theater conductor I.Gitgartz, V.Borisevich, artists M.I.Denisov, I.M.Bolotin, V.Kalinovsky, composer G.Puxt BGAKFFD. 0-110632. Photo library of the GABT of the BSSR.

Instructing students of the school on locksmith work BGAKFFD. 0-018445. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Meeting of workers of the boiler shop of the Voroshilov Minsk Machine-Building Plant on the verdict of the Trotskyist-Zinovievite group BGAKFFD. 0-024882. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

On maneuvers of units of the Belarusian military District BGAKFFD. 0-018557. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

A postcard sent by the International Organization “League for the Protection of Human and Civil Rights” to the Minister of Justice of Poland demanding the release of S.O.Prytytsky. The postcard is written in German, French and Polish BGAKFFD. 0-099963. Collector S. Northman.

A group of gymnasium teachers in Western Belarus: one of the organizers of the BSRG and a deputy of the Polish Sejm, P.V.Myatla, editor of the magazine “Nasha Niva” A.N.Vlasov, a member of the Central Committee of the KPZB Ya.Gavrilik, Chairman of the BSRG B.A.Tarashkevich and others at the building of the Belarusian 8th Grade Gymnasium named after F.Skoriny in the village of Radoshkovichi Molodechno district of the Vilna voivodeship BGACFFD. 0-077016. Photo library of the Molodechno Museum of Local Lore.

Stakhanovka-embroiderer of the Minsk linen factory named after N.K.Krupskaya E.Baranovskaya at work BGAKFFD. 1-000033. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Worker of the Minsk Machine Tool Plant named after S.M.Kirov comrade. Grozovsky reads to the workers of the new mechanical workshop an article about the trial of the anti-Soviet right-wing center BGAKFFD. 0-024809. TSGAKFFD OF THE USSR.

Folk poets of the BSSR Ya.Colas and I.Kupala during the work of the plenum of the Board of the Joint Venture of the BSSR BGAKFFD. 0-023487. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Demonstration of Grodno workers in honor of the International Workers’ Solidarity Day on May 1 BGACFFD. 0-018944. Grodno GIAM.

Workers of the Voroshilov Minsk Machine Tool Plant Vasiliev, Solovey, Sushevich and Bolondar at the product registration board BGAKFFD. 0-024806.TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Delegates of the 1st Gomel Regional Conference of the KSMB BGACFFD. 0-097290. Photo library of the Gomel Museum of Local Lore

The delegation of the workers of the Belarusian SSR welcomes the deputies of the first session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR BGAKFFD, 0-018790. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of the Minsk Garment Factory named after N.K.Krupskaya M.Zelikman reads to the Komsomol members a letter from the participants of the battles at O. Hassan BGAKFFD. 0-024768. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

Collective farmers-Stakhanovites of the Khoiniksky district Tatyana and Anna Zelenkovsky at the grain cleaning for delivery to the state BGAKFFD. 0-025056. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

The propagandist, the control master of the foundry of the Voroshilov Machine Tool Plant, Esterkin, reads to a group of workers and engineering and technical workers the first chapter of the “Short Course in the history of the CPSU (b)” BGAKFFD. 0-024767. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

The family of the collective farmer of the agricultural cartel “January 9” of the Minsk district A.I.Klimovich, who earned 800 workdays, at home BGAKFFD. 0-025064. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Students of the Mogilev Pedagogical Institute, participants of a campaign rally in honor of the elections to local Councils of Workers’ Deputies BGAKFFD. 0-018788. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Soviet troops in Western Belarus BGACFFD. 1-000551. Photo library of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.

A rally in Smorgon dedicated to the reunification of Western Belarus and the BSSR BGACFFD. 1-000539. Photo library of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.

Election slogans and elections to the People’s Assembly of Western Belarus on the streets of Bialystok before the elections BGACFFD. 0-018378. Photo library of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the USSR, Moscow.

Speech by Deputy S.O.Prytytsky at a meeting of the People’s Assembly of Western Belarus in Bialystok BGACFFD. 0-018871. Photo library of the Brest Museum of Local Lore.


«Летапісь нашай рэспублікі». Год 1930. Воспоминания бывшего старшего мастера кузнечного цеха завода «Гомсельмаш» В.Р.Нарбутовича об организации курсов по повышению квалификации для молодых рабочих. Дата записи: 1968 г., г. Минск, Белорусский республиканский радиоцентр БГАКФФД Арх.№ ML 439 Аудиодокумент

«Летапісь нашай рэспублікі». Год 1931. Воспоминания старейшей работницы Минской кондитерской фабрики «Коммунарка» Ванды Ивановны Стречень как выполнялись вручную отдельные виды работ. Дата записи: 1968 г., г. Минск, Белорусский республиканский радиоцентр БГАКФФД Арх.№ ML 440 Аудиодокумент

«Летапісь нашай рэспублікі». Год 1932. Воспоминания старейшего рабочего Минского станкостроительного завода им. Октябрьской революции Бронислава Станиславовича Володько о работе в 1930-х гг. Дата записи: 1968 г., г. Минск, Белорусский республиканский радиоцентр БГАКФФД Арх.№ ML 441 Аудиодокумент

«Летапісь нашай рэспублікі». Год 1933. Воспоминания члена подпольного ЦК КПЗБ, одного из руководителей забастовки рабочих Беловежской пущи Ивана Федоровича Семеникова о событиях 1933 г. Дата записи: 1968 г., г. Минск, Белорусский республиканский радиоцентр БГАКФФД Арх.№ ML 442 Аудиодокумент

«Летапісь нашай рэспублікі». Год 1934. Рассказ старшего мастера отдела ОТК Минского станкостроительного завода им. С.М.Кирова Александра Владимировича Верамонько о выпуске протяжных станков. Дата записи: 1968 г., г. Минск, Белорусский республиканский радиоцентр БГАКФФД Арх.№ ML 443 Аудиодокумент

«Летапісь нашай рэспублікі». Год 1935. Рассказ рабочего-стахановца Витебского станкостроительного завода «Чырвоны металіст» г. Витебска Петра Полячонк о выпускаемой продукции. Дата записи: 1968 г., г. Минск, Белорусский республиканский радиоцентр БГАКФФД Арх.№ ML 557 Аудиодокумент

«Летапісь нашай рэспублікі». Год 1936. Воспоминания бригадира тракторной бригады Копыльской МТС Софьи Петровны Рачок об обсуждении проекта Конституции СССР и участия в работе XII Всебелорусского съезда Советов. Дата записи: 1968 г., г. Минск, Белорусский республиканский радиоцентр БГАКФФД Арх.№ ML 558 Аудиодокумент

«Летапісь нашай рэспублікі». Год 1937. Рассказ музыковеда Дмитрия Николаевича Журавлева о знаменательном событии музыкальной жизни 1937 г.– открытии Белорусской государственной филармонии. Дата записи: 1968 г., г. Минск, Белорусский республиканский радиоцентр БГАКФФД Арх.№ ML 559 Аудиодокумент

«Летапісь нашай рэспублікі». Год 1938. Рассказ об электрификации БССР. Дата записи: 1968 г., г. Минск, Белорусский республиканский радиоцентр БГАКФФД Арх.№ ML 560 Аудиодокумент

«Летапісь нашай рэспублікі». Год 1939. Воспоминания члена КПЗБ, депутата Народного Собрания Западной Белоруссии от Кобринского повета Александры Ивановны Федосюк об социальных преобразованиях в Западной Беларуси. Дата записи: 1968 г., г. Минск, Белорусский республиканский радиоцентр БГАКФФД Арх.№ ML 561 Аудиодокумент