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  • State power and politics, Economy and society
  • State power and politics, Military events
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Обращение «Ко всем гражданам города Барановичи и Барановичского повета»

Постановление № 276 Совета Министров Белорусской ССР «Об образовании Комитета по физической культуре и спорту при Совете Министров Белорусской ССР»

#Наука и культура

Revenue estimates for the city of Bobruisk for 1918

#Economy and Society

Resolution No. 284 of the Council of Ministers of the BSSR «On the resumption of work of the Pinsk Match Factory named after September 17 of the Ministry of Forestry Industry of the BSSR»

#Economy and Society

A.A. Kuleshov among the students of the literary activists of the Mstislav Pedagogical College Standing: A. Kuleshov, Yu. Tavbin, A. Yakovleva, Dm. Astapenko, E. Sinyakov; seated: P. Skokov, V. Gobets, G. Sapriko, 1930.

#Wissenschaft und Kultur

A.A.Kuleshov, 1941-42.

#Science and culture

Autobiographie von A. A. Kuleshov, Ende der 1940er Jahre.

#Science and culture

Portrait of A.A.Kuleshov by artist A.M.Yar-Kravchenko, 1947

#Science and culture

A.A.Kuleshov, 1974

#Science and culture

Questions asked by the delegates of the Second Gubernia Congress of Soviets on the report of the provincial land department and answers given by the Head of the Gubernia Land Department, Comrade Arnautov

#State power and politics

Sketch of the right tower of St. Sophia Cathedral

#Science and culture

Work plan for the repair of the right tower of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk (from correspondence with the department for the protection of architectural monuments of the Office of Architectural Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the BSSR for 1949)

#Science and culture

Film transfer at the Udarnik collective farm

#Наука и культура

Sigmas Angaretis (present Alexa), People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Lithuanian-Belarusian Republic, member of the Central Committee of the KP(b)B and Lithuania, since the beginning of 1920 – member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the KP(b)B and Lithuania (portrait)

#Государственная власть и политика

Bankobroshnitsa-stakhanovka Vitebsk flax Spinning factory named after L.M.Kaganovich at work

#Экономика и общество

Members of the Stakhanov brigade of the packing shop of the Grodno tobacco factory I.Baranova, S.Stotskaya, E.Kohler and E.Satchel

#Экономика и общество

View of the destroyed building of the Europa Hotel in Minsk occupied by German troops

#Военные события

In a new grocery store in the building of the restored hotel “Belarus” in Minsk

#Экономика и общество

Threshing at the Rassvet collective farm in the Kirovsky district of the Bobruisk region

#Экономика и общество

Pigsty buildings. A herd of pigs in a pasture. Piggies give food to piglets, bathes piglets in a trough

#Экономика и общество

A worker at the machine at work. The closing machine. Locksmiths for the manufacture of parts. Assembly of the closing machine

#Экономика и общество

The building of the State Library named after V.I.Lenin. Library visitors go up the stairs in the library’s reading room. A library employee at the catalog. Library Storage

#Наука и культура

Cleaning of flax with flax grinders. The equipment of the Shklovskaya MTS works. Collective farmers knit sheaves of flax, sort flax. Komsomol members at work on an imported flax mill

#Экономика и общество

Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the BSSR A.G.Chervyakov inspects the farm, talks with the collective farmers. The commission examines the horses

#Государственная власть и политика