The 40s of the twentieth century in NEWSREELS, PHOTOGRAPHS, PHONOGRAMS


Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M.I. Kalinin presents awards to People’s Artist of the BSSR and the USSR L.P.Alexandrovskaya, People’s Artist of the BSSR V.I.Vladomirsky, writer-playwright K.Krapiva BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 716 k/s "Awarding of awards to artists of the BSSR M.I.Kalinin" 1 h., b/w., without sound. Operas. I.Belyakov

Spring sowing of grain at the Vedrich state farm in the Vasilevichi district of the Polessky region BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 199 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 16 1h., b/w, zv. Dir. V. Budilovich

The story of the Grodno plywood factory BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 206 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 20 1h., b/w, zv. Dir. V. Budilovich

Conducting military exercises with the partisans of the Cherikovsky detachment of the Mogilev region. In the frame, the commander of the detachment G.A.Khramovich, as well as the secretary of the Central Committee of the KP(b)B. G.B.Eidinov, secretary of the Central Committee of the LKSMB M.A.Minkovich BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 728 l/m "In one of the first partisan detachments of Belarus" 1 h., b/w, without sound Opera. V.Yeshurin

The story about the work in the rear of the correspondents of the Belarusian satirical newspaper “Razdavim fashistskaya gadzina” BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 151 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 3 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir. G.Satarova

The plot of the performance of the People’s Artist of the USSR and the BSSR Larisa Pompeevna Alexandrovskaya in front of the Belarusian fighters on the Kalinin front BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 149 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 1 1 h., b/w, zv.Operas. S.Semenov, A.Shchekutyev

The story about the work of the Gomel locomotive repair plant, evacuated to the Urals BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 156 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 5 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir. G.Satarova

Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP(b)B Panteleimon Kondratievich Ponomarenko awards orders and medals to the partisans of the Gomel region BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 159 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 8 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir. G.Satarova

A group of partisans of the V.I.Chapaev brigade during the mining and explosion of a railway track in the Polotsk district BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 760 l/m "Rail war and other actions of the partisans in the areas of Polotsk, Lepel, Mogilev", 1 h., b/w, without sound Operas L.Kachuryan, M.Sukhova, O.Reizman, T.Bunimovich, I.Veinerovich, S.Shkolnikov

Chronicle footage: “partisan commanders F.F.Dubrovsky and V.E.Lobanok come out of the dugout; a partisan at a captured cannon, a partisan battle in the Polotsk-Lepel partisan zone (1943-1944) BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 1577 "Biography of my republic". Film 4, part 3, cb., zv. Dir. I. Veinerovich

The beginning of the liberation of the territory of the BSSR. Units of the Red Army enter the city of Krichev. Peasants of the village of Glushnevo, Krichevsky district, on the ashes of their houses BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 160 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 9-10, 2 hours, b/w, zv. Dir. G.Satarova

A fragment of the chronicle: Red Army troops on the streets of the city. Minsk residents meet the Red Army units entering the city BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 724 k/o "Minsk is ours!, 1 h., b/w, zv. Operas. M.Berov, V.Mishchenko, A.Krylov, V.Pridorogin, E.Lozovsky, V.Frolenko, B.Sher

The partisan parade in Minsk on July 16, 1944 BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 144 k/f "30 year of the BSSR", 5 hours, b/w, zv. Dir. Dir. S.Solidnov, G.Lamidze

View of the destroyed Minsk. Minsk residents at work on the restoration of the city, work on the restoration of the Minsk thermal power plant, the restoration of the tram line in the city, the restored bakery machine BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 163 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 5, 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir.V. Budilovich

Gomselmash plant, members of Kazimirov’s Komsomol youth brigade at work BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 1 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 7-8, 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir . Dir. Yu.Stalmakov

2nd Minsk evening school, in the classroom, a worker of the Minsk shoe prosthetic factory, an excellent student Matveev BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 13 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 7-8, 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir. I. Veinerovich

Rogachevsky dairy and cannery BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 34 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 10, 1 h., b/w, zv.Dir. V.Lyakhovetsky

Inter-collective farm hydroelectric power station in the Zheludoksky district of the Grodno region Arch. No. 39 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 17, 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir. V.Streltsov

Harvesting at the collective farm named after K.E.Voroshilov of the Vetkovsky district of the Gomel region BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 5 "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 15-16, 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir.I. Veinerovich

Construction of MTZ and MAZ BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 25 "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 23, 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir. M.Gorbunov

MTZ workshop. Komsomol members of the Parfemenko brigade accept social obligations in honor of the 11th Congress of the Komsomol BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 46 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 4, 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir. I.Shulman

The story about the work of the Minsk airport BGAKFFD. Arch. No. 52 k/w "Savetskaya Belarus" No. 15, 1 h., b/w, zv. Dir. S.Solidnov


A.M.Malykin, a Stakhanovite of the mechanical workshop of the Minsk Machine Tool Plant named after S.M.Kirov, for transferring his work experience to I.S.Gilert, a former unemployed man from Western Belarus in 1940, Minsk, TSGAKFD USSR BGACFFD 0-024801 Photo document

Cavaliers of the Order of Lenin, participants of the Decade of Belarusian Art in Moscow: People’s Artist of the BSSR V.I.Vladomirsky, People’s Artist of the USSR L.P.Alexandrovskaya and writer-playwright Kondrat Krapiva (present K.K.Atrakhovich) BGAKFFD. 0-023574. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Film transfer at the Udarnik collective farm BGAKFFD. 0-019279. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Members of the Stakhanov brigade of the packing shop of the Grodno tobacco factory I.Baranova, S.Stotskaya, E.Kohler and E.Satchel BGAKFFD. 0-024781. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

At the constitution lesson at the evening secondary school at the agricultural artel named after September 17, Nesvizh district BGAKFFD. 0-018637. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Bankobroshnitsa-stakhanovka Vitebsk flax Spinning factory named after L.M.Kaganovich at work BGAKFFD. 0-024978. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Chairman of the collective farm «The best share» of the Parichsky district V.P.Klimenok, awarded the Order of Lenin, checks the work on draining swamps BGAKFFD. 0-140461

Residential buildings of the command staff in the Brest fortress, destroyed during the fighting BGAKFFD. 0-103321. Photo library of the Publishing House "Belarus".

The Red Army soldiers of one of the units of the 355th Infantry Regiment of the 100th Infantry Division of the Western Front are preparing for battle in the area of the village of Ostroshitsky Gorodok, Minsk district BGACFFD. 0-135271. The collector.Arkashev .

View of the destroyed building of the Europa Hotel in Minsk occupied by German troops BGACFFD. P005441. The collector.Rostovtsev.

Evacuation of the equipment of the Mogilev Aviation Plant (since 1946, the Strommashina plant) to the east of the USSR with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War BGAKFFD. 2-1733. Photo library of the Mogilev automobile plant "Strommashina".

Residents of a village burned by a German punitive detachment go into the forest BGAKFFD. 0-130406. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

Commissar of the M.N.Chernak partisan detachment L.Zelenin, chief of staff of the detachment G.Kitayan, commander of the detachment S.Shikanov and employee of the headquarters of the detachment Ya.Ramkovsky for the development of a plan for the next operation BGACFFD. 0-087398. Photo library of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.

Commander of the first Belarusian partisan brigade Minai Filippovich Shmyrev (Batka Minai) among the partisans BGAKFFD. 0-103313. Photo library of the Publishing House "Belarus"

The commander of the partisan unit of the Pinsk region presents the medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War” to the partisan S.Malash BGACFFD. P001234. Photo library of the Institute of Party History at the Central Committee of the CPB.

Residents of Gadilovichi village of Rogachevsky district in a forest camp during the Great Patriotic War BGACFFD. P001874. Photo library of the Institute of Party History at the Central Committee of the CPB.

Employees of the underground newspaper Zvyazda, the organ of the Central Committee of the KP(b)B the printer E.S.Shurpach and the editor M.P.Barashkov for the release of the next issue of newspapers BGACFFD. 0-072025. Photo library of the Belarusian State Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.

Belarusian partisans during the mining of a bridge in the rear of the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War BGAKFFD. 0-033938. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

Theft of livestock taken from the population BGAKFFD. 0-097039. Photo library of the Institute of Party History at the Central Committee of the CPB.

The death penalty by hanging of Soviet citizens BGAKFFD. 0-130415. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

A group of partisans of the S.M. Budyonny brigade of the Pinsk region goes on a combat mission BGACFFD. P001572. Photo library of the Institute of Party History at the Central Committee of the CPB.

Soldiers of the 5th Army of the Western Front with a DP-27 machine gun (right) and a PPSh machine gun in a firing position BGAKFFD. 0-172459. The collector V.Arkashev.

Red Army soldiers are fighting during the Gomel-Rechitsa offensive operation BGAKFFD. 0-034059. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

Residents of Gomel greet soldiers of the Red Army with bread and salt. In the foreground is the commander of the 11th Army, Lieutenant General I.I. Fedyuninsky BGAKFFD. 0-034023. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

Members of the Extraordinary State Commission for the Establishment and Investigation of the atrocities of the Nazi invaders during the examination of the corpses of prisoners of the Ozarichi concentration camp BGAKFFD. 0-078433. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

Tank and infantry units of the Red Army in Minsk, liberated from the Nazi invaders BGAKFFD. 0-033930. CGAKFFD of the BSSR

Residents of Slutsk greet liberators with flowers BGAKFFD. 0-135562. The collector V.Arkashev.

The partisan parade in Minsk BGAKFFD. 0-129433. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

Workers of the Voroshilov Minsk Machine Tool Plant for the preparation of the plant for start-up after restoration work BGACFFD. P001504. Photo library of the Institute of Party History at the Central Committee of the CPB.

The hoisting of the red banner over the Brest fortress by soldiers of the Red Army in commemoration of the expulsion of the Nazi invaders from the city (in the first row on the left A.Drobyazko, on the right I.Kutova ) BGAKFFD. 0-034050. CGAKFFD of the BSSR.

Tractors repaired at the Mozolevskaya MTS of the Polotsk region BGAKFFFD. P001567. Photo library of the Institute of Party History at the Central Committee of the CPB.

Residents of Minsk at work on the restoration of the city BGAKFFD. 0-108780. BelTA photo chronicle.

Dispatch of new sortings produced by the Gomel plant of agricultural machinery “Gomselmash” for collective farms of the BSSR BGAKFFD. 1-000887. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Students of the 4th grade of the 12th girls’ school in Minsk at a physical education lesson BGAKFFD. 0-018796. TSGAKFD OF THE USSR.

Installation of the machine in the renovated workshop of the restored Minsk Machine Tool Plant named after S.M. Kirov BGACFFD. P001505. Photo library of the Institute of Party History at the Central Committee of the CPB.

Construction of Lenin Avenue in the BPI area BGACFFD. 0-101354. Photo library of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, E.Fialo .

Tent city of the first builders of MTZ BGAKFFD. 0-101240. Belox Photo Library, V.Kozlov.

Delegation of the Belarusian SSR (from left to right): A.F.Kulikov, E.I.Uralova, K.V.Kiselyov (head of delegation) and F.P.Shmygov during the meeting of the first session of the UN General Assembly BGAKFFD. A06-002 .The author of the shooting.Kovrigin.

In one of the workshops of the Minsk shoe factory named after L.M.Kaganovich BGAKFFD. 0-025124. TSGAKFFD OF THE USSR.


“Let’s have a look at the future.” The year is 1940. Memoirs of A.I.Markevich, the first female locomotive driver in the BSSR, about the beginning of her professional career. Date of recording: 1968, Minsk. Belarusian Republican Radio Center BGAKFFD. Arch.№ ML 444 Audio document

“Let’s have a look at the future.” The year is 1941. Memoirs of Mikhail Nikolaevich Goransky, a former political worker of the 331st Regiment of the 100th Infantry Division, about the exploits of fighters in the defense of Minsk in 1941. Date of recording: 1968, Minsk. Belarusian Republican Radio Center BGAKFFD. Arch.№ ML 445 Audio document

“Let’s have a look at the future.” The year is 1942. The story of a teacher, a member of the underground organization “Committee for the Assistance of the Red Army” in Mogilev, K.Y.Mette, about the ways of distributing leaflets and the newspaper Za Radzima. Date of recording: 1968, Minsk. Belarusian Republican Radio Center BGAKFFD Arch.№ ML 446 Audio document

“Let’s have a look at the future.” The year is 1943. Memoirs of Roman Naumovich Machulsky, former secretary of the Minsk Underground Bureau of the CPB, Hero of the Soviet Union, about certain events in 1943. Date of recording: 1968, Minsk. Belarusian Republican Radio Center BGAKFFD Arch.№ ML 447 Audio document

“Let’s have a look at the future.” The year is 1944. Memoirs of Major General Fyodor Fedorovich Dudinsky about the liberation of the Vitebsk region during Operation Bagration. Date of recording: 1968, Minsk. Belarusian Republican Radio Center BGAKFFD Arch.№ ML 448 Audio document

“Let’s have a look at the future.” The year is 1945. Memoirs of Alexander Markovich Avrutin, head of production at the Minsk Machine Tool Plant named after S.M.Kirov in 1945, about the restoration of the plant. Date of recording: 1968, Minsk. Belarusian Republican Radio Center BGAKFFD Arch.№ ML 449 Audio document

“Let’s have a look at the future.” The year is 1946. Memories of Valentina Petrovna Bylina, an engineer at the Belarusian State Institute of Industrial Design “Belpromproekt” of the State Construction of the BSSR, about the restoration of Minsk. Date of recording: 1968, Minsk. Belarusian Republican Radio Center BGAKFFD Arch.№ ML 450 Audio document

“Let’s have a look at the future.” The year is 1947. Memoirs of Vasily Petrovich Minakov, head of the Planning and Economic Bureau of the Minsk Tractor Plant, about the development of tractor construction in 1947 in the BSSR. Date of recording: 1968, Minsk. Belarusian Republican Radio Center BGAKFFD Arch.№ ML 451 Audio document

“Let’s have a look at the future.” The year is 1948. Memoirs of the rector of the Minsk Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages Frol Porfirievich Shmygov about the beginning of the Institute’s work. Date of recording: 1968, Minsk. Belarusian Republican Radio Center BGAKFFD Arch.№ ML 452 Audio document

“Let’s have a look at the future.” The year is 1949. Memoirs of Alexander Markovich Avrutin, director of the Minsk Machine Tool Plant named after S.M.Kirov, about the resumption of production. Date of recording: 1968, Minsk. Belarusian Republican Radio Center BGAKFFD Arch.№ ML 453 Audio document

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